caida tools




名称 主要作者 英文描述 中文描述 发布日期 最近更新 分类 输入 输出 许可证
arkutil Young Hyun RubyGem containing utility classes used by the Archipelago measurement infrastructure and the MIDAR alias-resolution system. 一个被 Archipelago 测量基础框架和 MIDAR 别名分析系统使用的 RubyGem 工具 2012 2013 库:拓扑 GNU GPL v2+
ARTEMIS Vasileios Kotronis Defense approach versus BGP prefix hijacking attacks BGP前缀劫持攻击与防御方法 2018 2018 安全 包含 AS 通告的 BGP 前缀的配置文件 警报和 web 接口 BSD 3-Clause
AStraceroute (正在开发中) Chiara Orsini A Python tool that translates traceroutes into AS paths 一个将 traceroute 结果转换到 aspath 的 python 工具 2016 2016 拓扑 JSON 编码的 traceroute 数据 JSON(aspath) GNU GPL v3
Autofocus Cristian Estan Internet traffic reports and time-series graphs 网络流量报告和时序图 2003 2003 工作量:可视化 NetFlow data, pcap 文字报告和时序图 Research-use License
Beluga Ryan Koga Interactive frontend to traceroute data traceroute 数据的交互式前端 2002 2006 性能:可视化 IP 地址 交互式 traceroute Research-use License
BGPstream Alistair King Open-source software framework for live and historical BGP data analysis, supporting scientific research, operational monitoring, and post-event analysis. 用于实时和历史 BGP 数据分析的开源软件框架 支持科学研究 运营监控和事件后分析 2015 2018 拓扑:数据分析 BGP 数据(如 MRT) ASCII, C API, Python API GNU GPL v2
Chart:Graph David Moore Perl front-end to GNU plot and Xmgrace GNU plot 和 Xmgrace 的 perl 前端 2006 2013 库:绘图 2D 图 GNU GPL v2
CoralReef Ken Keys Measures and analyzes passive Internet traffic monitor data 测量和分析被动网络流量监控器数据 2000 2014 工作量:测量与分析 网络接口; DAG 采集卡; DAG, libpcap, 和 CoralReef 数据包 文字报告, 流量报告, CoralReef 数据文件 Research-use License
Corsaro Alistair King Extensible framework for large-scale analysis of passive trace data 大规模分析被动跟踪数据的可扩展框架 2012 2014 工作量:测量与分析 被动追踪数据(pcap, 接口, 等) 机器可解析文本, Corsaro 二进制数据文件 GNU GPL v3+
Cuttlefish Bradley Huffaker Produces animated graphs showing diurnal and geographical patterns 生成显示日间和地理模式的动画图形 2006 2006 地理:可视化 Cuttlefish 输入文件时序图 (GIF) GNU GPL v2
DBATS Ken Keys High performance time series database engine optimized for inserting/updating values for many series simultaneously 高性能时间序列数据库引擎针对同时插入/更新多个序列的值进行了优化 2016 2016 库:数据库 时序数据 时序数据 GNU GPL v2+
dnsstat Ken Keys DNS traffic measurement utility DNS 流量测量工具 1999 2006 工作量:DNS 分析 pcap, 监控在 UDP 端口 53 上的 DNS 查询数据 文字报告 Research-use License
Henya Young Hyun Large-scale Internet topology query system which provides remote search of traceroute data without requiring data downloads 大规模互联网拓扑查询系统,无需下载数据即可远程搜索 traceroute 数据 2016 2016 拓扑 IP web 界面, JSON 数据 GNU GPL v3
Hyperbolic Graph Generator Chiara Orsini A set of tools to generate synthetic graphs embedded into a hyperbolic space and to test the greedy routing 一组工具,用于生成嵌入双曲线空间的合成图并测试贪婪路由 2014 2014 拓扑和性能测量 双曲图参数 hyperbolic in a text file GNU GPL v3
iatmon Nevil Brownlee Ruby+C+libtrace analysis module that separates one-way traffic into clearly-defined subsets Ruby + C + libtrace分析模块,可将单向流量分为明确定义的子集 2012 2014 工作量:测量与分析 Network trace files, or a live network interface text report (matrices, distributions and vectors as statistics of the one-way traffic) GNU GPL v3
iffinder Ken Keys Discovers IPv4 addresses belonging to the same router (aliases) using the common source technique 使用通用源技术发现属于同一路由器(别名)的IPv4地址 2001 2012 拓扑:别名分析 IP 文本文件 Research-use License
kapar Ken Keys Graph-based IP alias resolution 基于图的 IP 别名解析 2011 2018 拓扑:别名分析 scamper “warts” traces, iPlane traces, text files alias and link text files GNU GPL v2+
LibSea Young Hyun Scalable graph file format and graph library 可扩展的图形文件格式和图形库 2000 2002 库:拓扑 LibSea graph format files N/A GNU Lesser GPL
libtimeseries Alistair King C library that provides a high-performance abstraction layer for efficiently writing to time series databases 提供高性能抽象层的C库,可有效地写入时间序列数据库 2016 2019 库:数据库 time series data time series data BSD 2-Clause
Marinda Young Hyun A distributed tuple space implementation 分布式元组空间实现 2015 2015 Library: Middleware N/A N/A GNU GPL v3
MIDAR Ken Keys and Young Hyun Identifies IPv4 addresses belonging to the same router (aliases) using shared monotonic IP ID counters 使用共享的单调 IP ID 计数器标识属于同一路由器(别名)的 IPv4 地址 2011 2018 Topology: Alias Resolution traceroute data or list of addresses alias sets (router addresses) GNU GPL v2+
Motu Alistair King Dealiases pairs of IPv4 addresses Dealiases pairs of IPv4 addresses 2011 2011 Topology: Alias Resolution text input (candidate alias pairs) text report and machine-parseable results GNU GPL v2+
mper Young Hyun Probing engine for conducting network measurements with ICMP, UDP, and TCP probes 使用 ICMP,UDP 和 TCP 探针进行网络测量的探测引擎 2011 2012 Topology and Performance Measurement N/A N/A GNU GPL v2+
Otter Bradley Huffaker Visualizes arbitrary network data 可视化任意网络数据 1998 2003 Topology: Visualization Otter data file interactive 2D graph, PDF GNU GPL v2
Periscope Looking Glass API Vasileios Giotsas API to unify Looking Glass server queries and standardize output 统一 Looking Glass 服务器查询并标准化输出的 API 2015 2016 库:中间件 JSON-encoded API request JSON, iplane format, raw text format Research-use License
plot-latlong Young Hyun Plots points on geographic maps 在地理地图上绘制点 2003 2005 Geographic text input (latitude/longitude pair) geographical plot Research-use License
PlotPaths Bradley Huffaker Displays forward traceroute path data 显示正向跟踪路由路径数据 2001 2002 Topology: Visualization text input files (paths file, nodes file) Otter data file Research-use License
rb-mperio Young Hyun RubyGem for writing network measurement scripts in Ruby that use the mper probing engine 用Ruby编写使用mper探测引擎的网络测量脚本 2011 2013 Library: Topology Measurement N/A N/A GNU GPL v2+
RouterToAsAssignment Ken Keys Assigns each router from a router-level graph of the Internet to its Autonomous System (AS) 将每个路由器从 Internet 的路由器级别图分配给其自治系统(AS) 2010 2010 Topology output from ITDK text report (router to AS report) Research-use License
scamper Matthew Luckie IPv6 and IPv4 active traceroute probing and ping IPv6 和 IPv4 主动 traceroute 探测 和 ping 2004 2018 Topology and Performance Measurement IP destinations text reports, “warts” binary file GNU GPL v2
Spoofer Ken Keys, Ryan Koga, and Robert Beverly Source address validation measurement program that measures susceptibility to spoofed source address IP packets 源地址验证测量程序,用于测量对欺骗性源地址 IP 数据包的敏感性 2005 2018 Security N/A text report, HTML report GNU GPL v3+
straightenRV Patrick Verkaik Parses and processes Route Views tables for ease of analysis 解析并处理 Route Views 表以简化分析 2002 2009 Topology: Data Analysis statistics text report (e.g., prefix to AS maps, AS paths, etc), machine-parseable data file Research-use License
topostats Young Hyun Computes various statistics on network topologies 计算有关网络拓扑的各种统计信息 2010 2010 Topology text input (e.g., AS link pairs) text report, no graphs GNU GPL v3
Vela Young Hyun On-demand topology measurement service of CAIDA’s Archipelago Measurement Infrastructure CAIDA Archipelago Measurement Infrastructure 的拓扑测量服务 2012 2017 Topology web interface HTML and graph reports GNU GPL v3+
Walrus Young Hyun Visualizes large graphs in three-dimensional space 在三维空间中可视化大型图形 2001 2005 Topology: Visualization LibSea graph format files interactive 3D graph GNU GPL v2


名称 主要作者 英文描述 中文描述 状态 发布日期 最近更新 分类 输入 输出 许可证
skitter Daniel McRobb Reads in destinations and outputs traceroute paths 读入目的地并输出traceroute路径 Deprecated by Archipelago 1998 2008 Topology: Measurement skitter data files geographical plot, graph Research-use License
RTG Robert Beverly SNMP statistics monitoring system SNMP统计监控系统 In use but not supported by CAIDA 2005 2009 Workload: Visualization SNMP data time series graphs, text traffic reports GNU GPL v2
RRDtool Tobi Oetiker Stores and displays time-series data, configurable graphs 存储和显示时间序列数据,可配置图形 In use but not supported by CAIDA 1999 2006 Plotting and Data Curation time series data time series graphs GNU GPL v2
Plankton Bradley Huffaker Historical visualization of international cache topology 国际缓存拓扑的历史可视化 Deprecated 1998 1998 Topology: Visualization text input graph GNU GPL v2
NeTraMet Nevil Brownlee Realtime traffic flow measurement. 实时流量监测 Deprecated 2003 2007 Workload: Measurement Analysis pcap time series graphs GNU GPL v2
NetGeo Bradley Huffaker Maps IPs and AS numbers to geographical locations 将IP和AS号映射到地理位置 Deprecated 1999 1999 Geographic: Data IP address / URL text report Research-use License
MapNet Bradley Huffaker Historical visualization of international backbone providers 国际骨干提供商的历史可视化 Deprecated 1997 2002 Topology: Visualization N/A geographical plot GNU GPL v2
GTrace Ram Periakaruppan Geographical front-end to traceroute 地理前端到 Traceroute Deprecated 1999 1999 Topology: Visualization URL to trace geographical plot Research-use License
GeoPlot Ram Periakaruppan Geographically plots nodes and links 地理绘制节点和链接 Deprecated 1999 1999 Topology: Visualization text input (latitude/longitude pair) geographical plot Research-use License
FlowScan Dave Plonka Graphs IP flow data for a view of network border traffic 绘制 IP 流数据以查看网络边界流量 In use but not supported by CAIDA 2001 2004 Workload: Analysis Visualization NetFlow data graph (example available) GNU GPL v2
dsc Duane Wessels Collects and displays statistics from DNS servers 从 DNS 服务器收集并显示统计信息 In use but not supported by CAIDA 2007 2010 Workload: DNS Statistics pcap, monitors DNS queries on UDP Port 53 XML intermediate file, graph report (example available) New BSD License
dnstop Duane Wessels Measures and displays tables of DNS network traffic 测量并显示 DNS 网络流量表 In use but not supported by CAIDA 2002 2002 Workload: DNS Statistics pcap, monitors DNS queries on UDP Port 53 text report (example available) New BSD License
cflowd Daniel McRobb Former NetFlow analysis tool 前 NetFlow 分析工具 Deprecated 1998 2000 Topology and Performance Measurement Netflow data in arts format text reports GNU GPL v2